Sunday, May 25, 2008

Arguing With Myself

A good friend of mine recently sent me an email with a link to a ventriloquist/comedian's video on you tube and it got me thinking, about how hard that is, to talk so clearly without showing it and then the trail of thought went to talking to oneself - well I have to say - I talk to myself often - when I am alone - I have fat conversations with myself, discussions, arguments, you name it and I've done it hahahah they say - I am still trying to find out who the hell they are?? - but anyhow they say that is the first sign of madness - quite honestly I find it a way of venting too - so those people who say they don't - are lying - we all do, some are just more verbose about it than others!

Thank heavens for the blue tooth invention hey - I now have a really good excuse when I'm driving down the road talking to my merry little self and some Ou tannie looks at me having a major chin wag and I am alone in the car - at least now she says oh shes on one of those funny little things that fit into the ear hahahahaha isn't technology bloody marvelous!!!!

There was this ventriloquist that won the America's got talent competition and he was amazing his name is Terry Factor and this was my intro to him and it melted our hearts I must say...

There is a comedian/ventriloquist here called Jeff Dunham and he has several characters he does - this is the guy/link I mentioned earlier that a friend of mine had sent me and I laughed so hard I had to share it with you - although I am familiar with Jeff Dunham's work I had never seen this video so check it out. He introduces two of his characters called Peanut and Jalapeno on a stick - too funny - so enjoy...

He has several characters I must say one of our favourites is Walter - he is a grumpy old man and honestly reminds me so much of Walter Matthau - who I laugh at just looking at his face.

Anyway here is Jeff Dunham and Walter...

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Seeing that I live in the deep South I have to post Jeff Dunham's Character Bubba J...

He has several other characters, so for a good laugh check them out on you tube - look for Achmed the dead terrorist, Melvin, and Sweet Daddy D to name but a few others.

Anyhoo enjoy talking to yourselves and even answering yourselves back ( I do that too hahahaha) its when you DON'T DO what the voices in your head tell you to do that you have to start worrying hahahaha Ciao china's check you later!


Anonymous said...

I will have to check them out when everyone here in this house buggers off back to work and the army, they hog the line and makes my PC too slow for watching Youtubes..!

Anonymous said...

by the way....I love the bit of music..wish I knew how to add a music clip to my blogs..