Thursday, January 22, 2009

WOW Jan's almost over

Dit Kom Soos n' groot kak hey - its like one min youre gearing up for xmas and new year and before you know it its nearly Feb - I can tell you one thing I am tired of this bloody cold weather hey. First time in years I have been this cold.

Anyway I saw some pics of Cape Town recently and saw a new bridge or over pass they are building at hospital bend - thats going to be something and I also saw the stadium they are building for 2010 world cup - now that is a joll in the happening - I remember the rugby world cup and that city rocked for weeks.

Talking about a city that rocked - Washington DC had the party of parties hey on tuesday - I watched all the festivites on telly and I have to say I enjoyed it all - I love marching bands etc and all the pomp and ceremony. The sea of people was amazing - but I tell you it was bloody cold here that day so I can only imagine how cold it was there and although I know the atmosphere must have been incredible - I was quite happy tucked up under blankets with heaters and watching it at home.

I had to laugh a friend of mine has a bulldog - with such a cute and wonderful personality (2nd to my dog that is - sorry GG but The Edward takes preference) anyway she has her own tanning bed and was in it the other day. GG often tries to get in with her. She also falls asleep in it for what ever time she lays there - she told me that she woke up hearing a funny noise and as she turned her head there was GG, his head resting on the tanning bed right next to her shoulder, he was standing and FAST asleep snoring his head off hahahaahahahahah now isnt that just too cute man.

I have never been one that makes a lot of new years resolutions, that being said my for this year is simple - Laughter and lots of it - I am a person that likes to laugh and enjoy laughing and watching others laugh - so that is my mission to laugh and as often as possible!

My better half is out of town for work this week and comes home tomorrow (cant wait - dont like it when he isnt here) anyway before he left we were listening to music and he is a HUGE fan of Steve Hackett and found this song he wrote sung by Randy Crawford - and it is one of his favourites and he sat singing it to me while the music spoke to his soul - we have all been there when a certain song just talks to your soul its so beautiful to see and feel - and I loved watching him enjoy it and sing it - thanx my love...

As anyone that knows me, Supertramp is my ultimate mostest and bestest in the westest band so this ones for you honbun...


Jayne said...

Awww you big softie moonie :-)
It's been really chilly here as well - I'm telling you skat when it plummets to like 18C it's fekkin cold! Yesterday was great, 24C & a 250km ride on the bike - wonderful!

SA Expats said...

So when is the next blog netry due?